UNIT 1. My Family and Friends


Lesson 4. I Am from Ukraine

1) Listen and repeat. Прослухай і повтори.
- Pam
- Ted
- Sam and Cindy

2) Look and say. Подивись і скажи.
Where is Vlad from?
He is from Ukraine.
Where is Olena und Mark from?
He is from Great Britain.
Where is Tim from?
He is from USA.
Where is Katya from?
He is from Canada.

3) Listen and chant. Прослухай і проспівай.

4) Let’s read. Почитаймо.
- cat, apple, bag, flag, man, stand Ann, Sam, Pam, Canada, England, Poland
- red, from, frog, robot, Nora, Fred, Roberto Pam is from Canada. Sam is from England.

5) Let’s play. Пограймо. Гра «Where Are You from?».
Where Are You from?
I'm from Ukraine.
Where Are You from?
I'm from Germany.

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