Назад до p206ex6 | p207ex7 | Вперед до p208ex8 |
p. 206, ex. 7. Listen again and complete the sentences choosing the right answers. / Послухайте ще раз і завершіть речення, вибираючи правильні відповіді.
1. More than ... million people live in Britain.
a 65
b 46
с 56
2. ..are the biggest industrial cities in the centre of England.
a Manchester and Leeds
b Liverpool and Manchester
с Leeds and Birmingham
3. Many sailors and fishermen live in Liverpool.....
a Plymouth and Portsmouth
b Sheffield and Portsmouth
с Portsmouth and London
4. .. is the birthplace of famous Shakespeare.
a Bristol
b Manchester
с Stratford-upon-Avon
5. In some parts of... and Wales people speak other languages besides English.
a England
b Scotland
с Britain
6. Everyone in the UK speaks English ....
a clearly
b in the same way
с differently