1. Welcome!


Exercise 1. Read and match.

1. 50 - b

2. 35 - d

3. 60 - e

4. 100 - a

5. 20 - f

6. 83 - c


Exercise 2. Look and write.

1. She hasn’t got yo-yos.

2. He teddy hasn’t got bears.

3. They haven’t got dolls.

4. He hasn’t got shells.

5. She hasn’t got puzzles.


Exercise 3. Look at activity 2 and match.

1. Has he got two teddy bears? → c. No, he hasn’t.

2. Have they got robots? → d. Yes, they have.

3. Has she got shells? → a. Yes, she has.

4. Has he got three yo-yos? → e. Yes, he has.

5. Have they got bikes? → b. No, they haven’t.

Завдання №  page 3 - 1. Welcome! - ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас Г.К. Мітчелл, М. Малкоґіанні 2020 - Workbook

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