2. Every day


Exercise 1. Read and write. Then look and answer.

1. Does Penny take (take) the bus to work?

2. Do John and Helen ride (ride) their bikes to the playground?

3. Does Alina walk (walk) to school?

4. Does Bart take (take) the train to work?

5. Do Clark and Stan drive (drive) to the pet shop?


Exercise 2. Follow the path and answer.

1. Does Kate drive to work? → No, she doesn’t.

2. Do Mike and Steve ride their bikes to school? → Yes, they do.

3. Does Henry take the bus to school? → Yes, he does.

4. Do Perry and Gina walk to work? → No, they don’t.

Завдання №  page 11 - 2. Every day - ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас Г.К. Мітчелл, М. Малкоґіанні 2020 - Workbook

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