What about your family?


Exercise 3. a) Read the article above. Compare the kids’ answers with Dr Green’s words. Прочитайте статтю вище. Порівняйте відповіді дітей зі словами доктора Гріна.

b) Match Dr Green’s answers with the kids’ comments. З’єднайте відповіді доктора Гріна з коментарями дітей.

1. Dr Green: Some twins really look alike but some don’t. When you know twins well, you can say who is who. Their parents can always say who is who.  TARAS, 12. Twins look alike and no one can say who is who.

2. Dr Green: Not always. Sometimes it is better for young twins to be together in class, but they can work in different groups of children. Some twins are really sad when they are in different classes.   IRA, 9. Twins should always be in different classes so they can learn to live without each other.

3. Dr Green: Twins are close to each other, but that doesn’t mean they are always best friends. They enjoy playing with other kids just like any other children.  SANTIAGO, 11. Twins are always best friends.

4. Dr Green: Twins compete with each other just like any children. As they grow up, they no longer feel the need to compare themselves with their twin brother or sister.  SUE, 6. Twins always compete with each other.

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