5. Moments in history


Exercise 3. In pairs, do the quiz. Choose A, B or C. Listen and check. / У парах проведіть тест. Виберіть A, B або C. Послухайте та перевірте.

1. Princess Olha died Kyivan Rus.

2. Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize in chemistry.

3. The first American woman, Sally Ride, travelled into space.

4. Amelia Earhart crossed the Atlantic Ocean, alone, by plane.

5. Coco Chanel opened her first shop in Deauville, France.

6. Frida Kahlo painted her self-portrait with parrots.

7. Serena Williams played her first match at Wimbledon.

8. Junko Tabei climbed Mount Everest.

9. J. K. Rowling published her first Harry Potter book.

10. Ella Fitzgerald recorded her first song.

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