Unit 2 YOUR SCHOOL TIME - Lesson 2 Are You a Good Team?


p. 86, ex. 4. Complete with was or were.

Harry was helping his friend with homework.

Harry’s brothers were playing football in the garden.

His mother was reading a book.

His father and grandfather were repairing the car.

His grandmother was watching TV.

His dog and cat were sleeping in their baskets.

Гаррі допомагав своєму другові з домашнім завданням.

Брати Гаррі грали у футбол у саду.

Його мати читала книгу.

Його батько і дід ремонтували машину.

Його бабуся дивилася телевізор.

Його собака і кіт спали у своїх кошиках.

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