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p. 63, ex. 3.
Listen to Amelia’s letter again and write a reply to her. Answer her questions and describe your first day at school. Use the expressions below. / Прослухай лист Амелії ще раз і напишіть їй відповідь. Дайте відповіді на її запитання та опишіть свій перший день у школі. Використовуйте наведені нижче вирази.
- Please write soon. / Будь ласка, напиши швидше.
- It was really nice to hear from you. / Було дуже приємно почути тебе.
- I am looking forward to hearing from you. / Я з нетерпінням чекаю твоєї відповіді.
- Thanks for your letter. / Дякую за твого листа.
Hi Amelia!
Thanks for your letter. It was really nice to hear from you.
My first day at school this year was great. I was excited, because this year we are having new and interesting subjects. So we met new teachers and I hoped they would be friendly and kind. And they really are. I wanted to be good at new subjects and now I see that they are interesting and I do not have problems with them. I get to school by bus, and I almost never late. No, we don't have a school uniform, we dress however we want.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Love, Oleh.